List of Retired Principal, Principal I/C and Teaching Staff of Namrup College
A. Principal and Principal i/c
Sl. Nos. | Name | Desigation | Date of Joining | Date of Retirement |
1. | Mr. Abdus Sobhan | Principal I/C | 15.11.1973 | 05.02.1974 |
2. | Mr. Bhaba Konwar | Principal | 14.03.1974 | 30.06.1998 |
3 | Mr. Ghana Buragohain | Principal I/C | 01.07.1998 | 31.12.2010 |
4. | Mr. Sanjay Kr. Seal | Principal I/C | 01.01.2011 | 17.01.2012 |
5. | Dr. Jitu Buragohain | Principal | 18.01.2012 | 03.02.2018 |
6. | Mr. Atul Gogoi | Principal I/C | 03.02.2018 | 31.08.2020 |
7. | Mr. Bimal Chandra Gogoi | Principal I/C | 01.09.2020 | 31.01.2022 |
8. | Ms. Dorodi Saikia Bora | Principal I/C | 01.02.2022 | 10.03.2022 |
B. Teaching Staff
Sl. Nos. | Name | Designation | Department | Date of Joining | Date of Retirement |
1 | Mrs. Dulali Das | Lecturer | Education | 01.02.1980 | 30.09.1999 |
2 | Mrs. Bulbul Borgohain | Lecturer | Chemistry | 12.08.1974 | 19.03.2002 |
3 | Mrs. Manju Kataki | Lecturer | Political Science | 26.12.1973 | 28.02.2006 |
4 | Mrs. Sashi Chetia | Lecturer | Sociology | 12.08.1974 | 30.06.2008 |
5 | Mrs. Dipali Dutta Bordoloi | Lecturer | Zoology | 18.12.1974 | 29.02.2009 |
6 | Dr. Lakhi Gayan | Lecturer | Economics | 21.11.1974 | 31.08.2009 |
7 | Mrs. Indira Dev Choudhury | Lecturer | Mathematics | 22.12.1973 | 30.09.2010 |
8 | LT. Ghana Buragohain | Associate Professor | Sociology | 01.04.1987 | 30.04.2010 |
9 | Mr. Dimbeswar Gogoi | Associate Professor | Sociology | 01.04.1987 | 10.04.2011 |
10 | Dr. Jitu Buragohain | Associate Professor | Botany | 14.07.1992 | 17.01.2012 |
11 | Mr. Jiten Borpatra Gohain | Lecturer | History | 21.04.1987 | 31.12.2013 |
12 | Dr. Hironmoni Buragohain | Associate Professor | English | 02.03.1989 | 01.02.2013 |
13 | LT. Firoza Khatun | Associate Professor | Botany | 14.07.1992 | 28.02.2013 |
14 | LT. Kusum Borgohain | Associate Professor | Education | 01.02.1986 | 06.04.2015 |
15 | Mr. Pradip Ranjan Sadhnidar | Associate Professor | English | 01.04.1987 | 31.01.2016 |
16 | LT. Dibya Kr. Mohan | Assistant Professor | Assamese | 11.02.1987 | 09.06.2016 |
17 | Mr. sanjay Kr. Seal | Associate Professor | Political Science | 01.02.1986 | 31.01.2018 |
18 | Dr. Padma Kanta Mohanta | Associate Professor | Mathematics | 14.07.1992 | 31.12.2018 |
19 | Mr. Atul Gogoi | Associate Professor | History | 15.09.1988 | 31.08.2020 |
20 | Mr. Bimal Ch. Gogoi | Associate Professor | Botany | 14.07.1992 | 31.12.2021 |
21 | Mrs. Utpala Baruah | Associate Professor | Physics | 14.07.1992 | 31.12.2021 |
22 | Dr. Durga Prasad Gogoi | Associate Professor | Physics | 11.07.1994 | 10.03.2022 |
23 | Dr. Ranjana Bora Bordoloi | Associtae Professor | Physics | 01.03.1994 | 31.03.2023 |
24 | Dr. Pankaj Borah | Assistant Professor | Mathematics | 04.09.2020 | 31.05.2023 |
25 | Mrs. Dorodi Saikia Bora | Associate Professor | Zoology | 14.07.1992 | 31.10.2023 |
26 | Dr. Nandita Das | Assistant Professor | Political Science | 24.08.2020 | 11.12.2023 |