The Department of Political Science of Namrup College was established in the year 1973. It is one of the oldest departments of this discipline in the region. This department has contributed towards teaching and research in the discipline of Political Science. It has produced more than two hundred of Graduates in Political Science since its inception. The Faculty members have contributed with great efforts towards the discipline of Political Science and other related social science also to create best in all from the beginning. The department is engaged with different research activities where faculty members and students are taking part to achieve the goal. Apart from the Major and Non-Major courses on Political Science, the department has been teaching Political Science to the Higher Secondary students from its beginning. We strive to teach our students to be not just to qualify examination-oriented goal but to acquire knowledge for their future development and contribution to the society as needed.
DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES: - Every year we have a departmental routine schedule to organizes fresher meets, farewell for outgoing students, and students meet to make good connections among the members of our department. Apart from these, to the upliftment of our students’ credibility, other different events like Group Discussion, Talks, and Seminar presentation are organized by the department.
FACILITIES: Department has a good infrastructure for academic activities. The department is equipped with a full set of computers where teachers and students can use to do their work. The Department has a library that contains more than 300 books. Students can borrow a book for 7 days from the library. Department of political science has formed “Namrup College Political Science Association”. The association has taken up different extension activities.
1. Higher Secondary Level.
2. Major and core at under-graduate Level.
Name | Designation | Qualification | Date of Joining | Profile |
Mr Kalyan Gogoi | Assistant Professor (HOD) | M. A, M. Phil | 2007-05-14 | View Profile |
Janmoni Phukan | Lecturer | M.A., PGDCA | 0000-00-00 | View Profile |